March 3rd - Volunteer Training / Practice Meet
This is an opportunity for hands on training for our meet day volunteers. The athletes will get to experience some actual running events that are timed and a few select groups will demonstrate field events. Each family will receive a max. of 3 hrs. credit towards the required 15/18 regular season hours for participating in this event, depending on the amount of participation/training completed.
Who should attend? All meet day parent volunteers & athletes (especially important for new families)
What will I do? You will do training for the job(s) you have signed up for during the regular meets.
Why is this important? When parent volunteers can practice performing the duties ahead of time, it helps to ensure the first home meet runs as smoothly as possible. For new athletes, it's helpful so they know what to expect at the first meet.
Registration Link: See button below the Volunteer Sign Ups