XC Health & Safety


To ensure everyone's health, safety, & optimal participation:

  • Stay home from practices & meets if you have any symptoms of a contagious illness (Covid, Flu, etc)

Notify the Head Coach immediately of any:

  • current injuries that need modified training plans

  • long-term medical conditions that may impact your child (diabetes, asthma, severe allergies, etc.)

  • emergency treatment that may be needed while training or competing, provide any supplies, and ensure the coaches know where to find them. (inhalers, glucose tablets, juice, snacks, etc.)


  • Please pull over or park to keep the flow of traffic moving.

  • Stay with your child until the coach has arrived.

  • If you are not staying to watch, be sure to pick your child up on time.

  • Let your child's coach know if you have coordinated a ride home for your child.

Communication is key to ensure safety!



  • Know the course: Course or park maps will be sent out at the beginning of the week to ensure that there is adequate time for athletes and parents to familiarize themselves with the courses.

  • Never run by yourself - Stay with a group, parent, or buddy always. Slow down or speed up to catch up with another runner.

  • Be aware: Be sure to look out for bikers, equestrians, hikers and other runners. If they are approaching you from behind, they should announce "on your left" meaning you should stay to your right.

  • Be alert: Always make sure the trail you are on is a marked trail. Be alert of your surroundings; be sure to listen and to look around. Also be alert of natural hazards, such as poison oak, snakes, or hazardous trail conditions.

  • Snakes: If you see a snake on the trail, STOP. Do not try to pass or approach the snake. Turn around and run back the way you came and be sure to warn others.

  • Horses: Do not run up behind horses. Stay a safe distance behind and to the side of the horse and ask the rider if you can pass. 

  • Do not block the trail: If you need to take a break, move to the side of the trail but not off the trail)

  • Stay on the trail. Don’t step off trail unless you absolutely must when yielding. Going off trail can damage or kill certain plant or animal species and can hurt the ecosystems that surround the trail.

  • Street crossings: Do not cross streets unless an adult is present. Please stop and wait for an adult if you approach a road crossing.

  • Water: Please bring a water bottle to practice.


  • Bright clothing: It is always best practice to dress in brightly colored or fluorescent clothes on the trails. Dark clothes are harder to see and makes it more difficult to spot your child on the trails.

  • Buy proper running shoes: We suggest buying shoes from a running specialty store like Road Runner Sports, where they can hand pick the right fit and style for your runner. Road Runner Sports will give a 10% discount to TO Flyers athletes if you let them know that you're with the club.

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